Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Student Branch Universitas Indonesia

the first IEEE student branch in Indonesia


About Us

Foto gedung rektorat UI

The First IEEE Student Branch in Indonesia

IEEE Student Branch Universitas Indonesia is the first IEEE Student Branch in Indonesia. In the past years, we have organized programs for the developments of DTE UI students, such as: Webminar Series, Workshop, IEEE xTreme Selection, World Telecommunication Day with Telco Lab UI, IEEE Volunteers, and so much more.

Our Divisions

Treasurer &

The Secretary and Treasurer of IEEE SBUI 2021 are people who will help the President to preside over the entire administration in their respective manners. The Secretary will mostly help the President to handle administrative tasks and management. While the Treasurer will mostly help the President on things regarding budget management, planning, and spending.

Education &

The Education and Development division is a division that is responsible for the educational development of parties involved (students, members, and other external parties) to develop professional skills by arranging educational programs and open-to-attend events.


The Internal Operation division is a division that is responsible in terms of internal quality control ranging from the talents working abilities and programs that have been held throughout the administration. This division is also responsible for serving the members of IEEE that are directly affiliated with IEEE SBUI and supervising the transition from the current administration to the next one.


The Public Relation division is responsible for how IEEE SBUI looks and produces content to enhance the IEEE SBUI awareness. Public Relation also works as a path for IEEE SBUI to respond and ask for collaboration from/to other organizations, ranging from other IEEE Student Branches or other organizations related.

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